Tahoe Yellow Cress (TYC) is a small plant that only grows on the shoreline beaches of Lake Tahoe and nowhere else in the world.  This small, low-growing plant was on the verge of extinction as recent as 1996!  Through a partnership of local and federal agencies, we have been able to increase its numbers.  But more needs to be done.



What can you do?
  • Avoid vegetated areas, especially near creek mouths
  • Maintain control of your pets
  • Launch and beach boats away from TYC
  • Do not enter fenced areas
Join us in protecting this unique piece of Tahoe!  Contact the District to volunteer for restoration events such as plantings and seed collection.  Since TYC only grows on the shoreline, lakefront homeowners have the additional opportunity to receive a consult from staff at NTCD to determine if their property has TYC or its habitat and how to protect it.