Pittman Terrace is a steep neighborhood that sits on Lake Tahoe’s east shore directly below US Highway 50. For over a decade, residents in the neighborhood have expressed concern about sediment laden stormwater runoff traveling through their neighborhood and into Lake Tahoe. In 2015, the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District applied for and successfully received funding to plan, design, and construct the Pittman Terrace Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP). The primary goal of the Pittman Terrace WQIP (Project) is to treat stormwater before discharge to Lake Tahoe. The Project will employ a combination of stormwater treatment, outfall stabilization, and road operations in both NDOT Right-of-Way and the lakeside Pittman Terrace community. PLRM v1.1 Baseline modeling indicates the NDOT HWY 50 catchment is a high priority catchment due to being a high pollutant loading and directly connected catchment.
The objectives are as follows:
Stabilize the eroding channels and dirt paths within the Pittman Terrace neighborhood to convey runoff from Highway 50 without contributing additional pollutants and transporting those pollutants to Lake Tahoe.
Partner with the Pittman Terrace Homeowners to install stormwater treatment infrastructure in conjunction with their planned road repaving project.
Through PLRM modeling and catchment registration, garner Lake Clarity Credits for NDOT and Douglas County.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed proposals will be received in the Office of the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District at 400 Dorla Court, PO Box 915, Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448-0915, until 4:00 P.M. on June 06, 2018 for the “PITTMAN TERRACE WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, GLENBROOK, DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEVADA”. Such sealed proposals will be opened publicly at 4:05 P.M. the same day in the NTCD Conference Room, in the NTCD Office Building at 400 Dorla Court, Zephyr Cove, Nevada. The Nevada Tahoe Conservation District Board of Supervisors will consider award of the contract at a subsequently scheduled meeting. Project Contract Work under this contract includes but is not limited to, all material, labor, tools, expendable equipment, utility and transportation service, traffic control, signage, and all other incidental items necessary to perform and complete, in a workmanlike manner, the work described within and required for construction of stormwater treatment project improvements (refer to plans and Special Provisions prepared by NTCD) including, but not limited to: grading, install rock and block conveyance channels, install or retrofit infiltration features, install culvert, install trench drain, provide temporary erosion control, haul excess material to approved disposal site, repair all existing site improvements damaged during the course of the work and provide job cleanup to the satisfaction of NTCD. Work will be performed within Douglas County right-of-way, Douglas County APN1418-27-210-004, and within NDOT right-of-way. Documents may be obtained at no cost at ntcd.org, at the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District at 400 Dorla Court, Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448 or by contacting Meghan Kelly, mkelly@ntcd.org, or Monica Grammenos, mgrammenos@ntcd.org, (775) 586-1610.
Bid and Final Design Documents
BID DOCUMENT: Plans 2018.05.16
BID DOCUMENT: Solicitation Documents and Special Provisions 2018.05.16
First Bid Tabulation 2018.05.03
Archive Documents (oldest first)
Pittman Terrace Alternatives Analysis