The project redesigned and expanded the existing Kahle Basin to a larger wet basin and improve conveyance capacity along Kahle Drive. The Project increased the treatment capacity and effectiveness by installing a treatment suited to the site conditions.
Specifically, the Project replaced the undersized 36” reinforced concrete pipe along Kahle Drive. The Project also installed conveyance infrastructure along Laura Drive to capture Lakeside Inn and adjacent commercial property runoff. By installing drop inlets and conveyance pipe along Laura Drive, the Lakeside Inn area runoff is now treated by the Kahle Drive stormdrain treatment system.
The dry basin is now a completely reconstructed multi-chambered wet basin. The wet basin includes a forebay to collect sediment prior to discharging to the main basin. Flows will outlet from the multi-chambered basin via either a standpipe or a riprap lined emergency spillway for high flow events. A vegetated modular block maintenance access road was constructed across one of the berms and doubles as a path for public recreation. A short boardwalk/pedestrian bridge was constructed to direct foot traffic over the gap between the end of the berm and the meadow.
The basin’s location in Rabe Meadow adjacent to recreational uses including, walking, running and biking along the adjacent Stateline to Stateline bikepath and Lam Watah trail affords opportunity to blend area-wide stormwater treatment system with educational and recreational public uses. The stormwater treatment redesign took into account the existing recreational uses of the meadow to be a community asset for the meadow visitors, by expanding recreational and educational opportunities.

Goal and Objectives
The goal of this project was to improve treatment of stormwater runoff in Kahle Basin, expand existing recreational uses in Rabe Meadow and establish a stormwater association to manage the maintenance needs.
The objectives:
Redesign and expand Kahle Basin from a dry basin to a wet basin.
Replace the 36” culvert along Kahle Drive with a 48” pipe.
Add drop inlets and conveyance infrastructure along Laura Drive.
Expand and enhance the existing recreational uses of Rabe Meadow.
Establish framework of stakeholders to manage maintenance of the wet basin.
The Kahle Water Quality Basin Implementation Project was completed in October 2018 by the General Contractor RaPiD Construction. The basin site is currently being monitored to achieve restoration and revegetation of the site. The Project’s funders included US Forest Service, Douglas County, Nevada Department of Transportation, and Nevada Division of State Lands.

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