The biennial election of the NTCD board of supervisors will be held during a mass meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM
at the
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation, 948 Incline Way, Incline Village, NV
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Meeting ID: 265 453 026 266
Passcode: CTGnLY
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+1 929-346-7276,,600396783# United States, New York City
Phone Conference ID: 600 396 783#
This year, we are seeking three qualified candidates to serve on our board as elected supervisors. This 4 year commitment is an opportunity to serve your community and influence conservation efforts in the Basin.
The duties and responsibilities include:
- Know the duties, needs, and programs of NTCD.
- Attend and participate in NTCD’s monthly Board meetings (4th Monday of each month).
- Represent the interests of land manager’s on soil, water, and related natural resource conservation issues.
- Keep informed on legislation and policies of local, state, and federal government pertaining to conservation problems.
- Participate in setting district priorities.
- Help identify opportunities and potential funding for NTCD programs.
Anyone interested in running for office of supervisor or voting in the election must be a resident registered voter within the boundaries of the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District. The NTCD boundary encompasses the Nevada side of the Tahoe Basin.
We are requesting any interested parties to submit a short informational biography, either written or video, by October 27th. These will be posted to our website by November 1st. This is not a requirement to be placed on the ballot. Nominations for the election will be made verbally from the floor during the election process. All candidates will have a opportunity to give a brief statement on their interest and experience during the meeting.