NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: BIDS WANTED FOR CREEK AND MEADOW RESTORATION: Sealed proposals will be received in the office of the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District at 400 Dorla Court, PO Box 915, Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448-0915 or via email to, until 3:00 P.M. on Monday, May 6, 2024 for the “BURKE CREEK RABE MEADOW RIPARIAN RESTORATION PROJECT, STATELINE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEVADA”. Such sealed proposals will be opened virtually at 4:00 P.M. the same day in the NTCD Conference Room at 400 Dorla Court, Zephyr Cove, Nevada. An online meeting link will be posted on 24 hours prior to the bid opening. The Nevada Tahoe Conservation District Board of Supervisors will consider award of the contract at a subsequently scheduled meeting in May 2024. Project Contract Work under this contract includes the construction of creek and meadow restoration improvements including, but not limited to: excavation, fill placement, and grading, wood placement, tree removal, dewatering, temporary erosion control, revegetation of disturbed lands, disposal of excess material, and site cleanup. An optional pre-bid meeting will be held at 10:00 AM on April 30th, 2024 the Lam Watah Trailhead located at 193 Kahle Drive, Stateline, NV 89449. Work will be performed on USDA Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit and private lands. Bid Documents may be obtained at no cost at or at the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District Office by appointment by contacting Meghan Kelly or Patrick Johnson, (775) 586-1610.
Solicitation Documents
Project Plans
Addendum 1
Addendum 2
Virtual Link to Meeting
Results: Bid Tabulation
The goal of the project is to complete the restoration of approximately 22 acres of Burke Creek and surrounding Rabe Meadow. Activities include partially filling Jennings Pond to prevent introduction of invasive species and reduce groundwater issues to nearby infrastructure, filling man-made ditches on USFS land, and restoring Burke Creek channel and lagoon. Construction will begin in July 2024.
Project Description/Decision Memo
Burke Creek’s alignment has varied through time as white settlers moved into the Tahoe Basin. The Washoe people’s name for the creek and surrounding meadow is “Lam Watah” which translates to stones by water where the ancestral people of this region used to process and prepare food for the winter. See map below for known alignments.