NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: BIDS WANTED FOR ROAD RECONSTRUCTION, UTILITY WORK, AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS IN STATELINE, NEVADA: Sealed Bids for the construction of the Kahle Drive Complete Street Project will be received in person and via email to at the office of Nevada Tahoe Conservation District, 400 Dorla Court, Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448 (Issuing Office), until 3:00 pm local time on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read and broadcast online. A meeting link for the virtual bid opening will be posted on 24 hours prior to the bid opening. The Nevada Tahoe Conservation District Board of Supervisors will consider award of the contract at a subsequently scheduled meeting in January 2025. Project Contract Work under this contract includes the reconstruction of approximately 0.5 miles of local road, undergrounding of overhead power lines, installation of storm drains, installation of curb and gutter, utility adjustments and in place protection, installation of sidewalks, bike paths, and bike lanes, and site and resource protection measures as required by project permits. Due to funding and land ownership, the project is subject to Federal Regulations. An optional pre-bid meeting will be held at 11:00 AM on January 15th, 2025 at the Lam Watah Trailhead located at 193 Kahle Drive, Stateline, NV 89449. Work will be performed within the Douglas County Right-of-Way and on USDA Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit lands. Bid Documents may be obtained at no cost at or at the NTCD Office by appointment by contacting Meghan Kelly or Mark Jewell, (775) 586-1610.
Bids will be opened publicly in the NTCD office as well as online at the following link on Microsoft Teams:
Meeting ID: 235 417 524 724, Passcode: Y5ck2PB9
Dial in by phone: (929)346-7276, Phone conference ID: 689 483 342#
Solicitation Documents
This project proposes to transform Kahle Drive into a complete street by improving drainage, adding sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks, a safe intersection, and undergrounding overhead utilities. This 0.5 collector road provides key linkages to the existing Stateline to Stateline bike trail, trails throughout Rabe Meadow, and a Douglas County community center. The current condition of the road is highly degraded, unsafe, and a detriment to water quality and the adjacent public lands. Planning and design is at the 90 percent level, however, funding is needed for implementation.
Links and Documents